Sunday, January 24, 2010

So I have this whole thing with New Years Resolutions. I don't do them. Well, I think through them in my head, things I want to work on for the year, and I am all for setting goals and pushing to achieve greatness in our lives. But the whole New Years thing sort of makes me crazy. I think all it really is is a date thing. Like the idea of starting on Day 1 - Jan 1 makes us aware of exactly how many days we have been working on something, which creates the pressure of keeping a perfect record going until we finally CRACK! Then we look back and think I made it x number of days this year...and that particular goal seems to quickly fade away into last years wish list. Why set yourself up like that?
So I just go about it a different way. Like this year for instance, New Years Eve we stayed out with friends until 2:30am, got to bed by 3am, and slept in until 11am. I don't think that has happened since high school, but it sure felt good. As I woke up, we had this terrific cake dessert from the night before sitting out on our counter. So, Jan 1 2010, 11 am, I had cake for breakfast. Delish. I really just wanted to push the whole healthy eating goal out the door from the beginning, which took all the pressure off, and allowed me to start when I wanted, without all the pressure. I eat pretty good 80% of the time, and that is good enough for me. Some days it is only 30%, but in the end it averages out and I still get to eat my chocolate.
Last year, I set a goal to learn how to use chop sticks. Guess what! I shot for the stars and can use them like a champ. This year it is to start violin lessons and pick up where I left off years ago. That is the goal, not the resolution. I'm getting around to making the phone call pretty soon..... It's about time. It's been on my list of NY resolutions for the last 10+years. By mid February, I'll probably be ready.


KC said...

Good luck with the lessons....I pulled my violin out about 12 years ago and played with a friend for a bit. It was fun, but I realized I'm still NOT very good, and am tone deaf! Oh well...I can always have high school....right?

Brooke and Jonny said...

Props to you on going back I thought about going back and doing piano lessons and I lasted 1 lesson. Sad. Good luck though I'm rooting for you even though I couldn't do it =)

Kierstin said...

wahoo for you! That's great. I ate two gigantic sweetrolls for breakfast and lunch today (along with some bright blue scrambled eggs)... I had to, it is Max's birthday!

The Stones said...

I freaking love you.