Sunday, December 27, 2009

Birthday boy

I remember looking out the hospital window as I was bundling up my new little baby boy to come home and seeing nothing but white covered cars, buildings and streets. It was a wintery, white, wet, stormy day and we brought him home to our cozy Christmas-ready home. It was perhaps the only year I was, or ever will, be ready for Christmas by mid-December. Our neighbors, The McBrides brought over a 5 course unannounced dinner, complete with homemade cherry pie. I loved that day and I love my Little Mr. He has been so much fun to have as my right hand man all day while the kids are in school. He loves to talk and direct, learn and ask questions, and get into anything he can. He makes his older siblings laugh and giggle and we can't imagine life without him. Happy Birthday Becks!!
4 Years Old
We spent the day with 2 of his buddies, Ricky and Danny, at McDonalds for lunch and then we took him to pre-school where he was able to have his special day. A special day at pre-school means: Line leader, All about me poster, treats, a birthday crown, and a treat from his teachers. What more could a 4 year old want!
First thing that morning he got to open his present from Auntie - a new Trio building set that has kept him busy ever since. We received the package from Auntie a few days before and it was all we could do to keep him from opening his presents. Every single day he would beg us to let him open his birthday presents. We held out.
Auntie also added a tiny electric train that everybody wanted to play with.
Last year Becks asked for a Thomas cake. The year before, a Thomas cake. This year, he chose to have another Thomas cake. Easy enough! We've got this one down.

Uncle Mikey, Grandma and Grandpa Darrohn, and Aunt Britter all came over for cake and ice cream.

We love you Becks!


Kierstin said...

awww, happy birthday buddy!

Brooke and Jonny said...

I love that picture of him and his cake with his little cheesy smile so dang cute.