Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Beckham  just informed me that I am despicable!  Don't mess with the little dude's cereal or you'll get called that too.....


The Stones said...

WHAT??? How in the world does your three year old know big words like that? Good night your kids are smart. Share your teaching secrets, girlie!

Kierstin said...

How is the little home wrecker, Jack?

Auntie said...

Despicable? That's despicable! Tell Becks that if he's not nice, his Auntie won't get him anymore Thomas books when she goes to the Island of Sodor later this month!

Kierstin said...

15 months??? What the what? Wow, you are my nursing hero. Now I feel like a total nursing failure :)

Parade of Purses said...

I am so happy to find your blog :) hope all is going well with you guys!

Kierstin said...

I don't know about the wood furniture, but it's keeping Reed more 'supple'!! he he...