Monday, December 29, 2008

Just checking in.........
I've been steering clear of the computer this last week or so to enjoy the unscheduled chaos of the season and being home with family, but just a quick snipit: 
If you were to peek into our home last night you would have seen dirty dishes in the sink, hershey kisses wrappers all over the counter, legos covering every square inch of the kitchen table, trains all over the floor, toys scattered in every direction, and 2 very sleepy parents and 3 little kiddos and their dog snuggled on the couch watching one of Kerry's favorite movies from start to finish - The Sound of Music.   It truly is his favorite movie.  I thought that was something many people may not know about that guy of mine.  During the part of the movie where Leisl and her secret telegram delivering boyfriend Rolf are dancing and singing in the gazebo, I happened to mention to the kids that "Daddy used to dance and sing like that to me when we were dating."   
That was funny.


The Stones said...

Makell, I'm DYING to see pics of the new family member! And Beck's face when he saw him! Hopefully you'll post soon...? :)

Kierstin said...

I second what Brooke said. We are going to come visit, k? It's amazing how popular you get with a puppy, eh?